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Home / Women's Performance Shirts / Dynafit Alpine Long Sleeve - Women's

Dynafit Alpine Long Sleeve - Women's

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Retail: $139. Color, Marine Blue. This long sleeve isn't just another piece of fabric; it's your ticket to outdoor adventure with a side of style. Crafted with the perfect blend of performance and panache, this shirt is your go-to for slaying trails and turning heads. It's like wearing confidence, but with sleeves. It's like having your own personal air conditioner, minus the awkward installation process.


Condition: New

Gender: Women's


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Material: High-performance blend
Moisture-Wicking: Keeps you dry
Breathability: Enhanced airflow
UV Protection: Guards against harmful rays
Quick-Drying: Rapidly dries
Odor Resistance: Prevents odors
Fit: Comfortable and flattering